Brocante sportive 22/05

Brocante nocturne Merlimont

Venez profiter le 22 Mai d’une brocante sportive de 8h à 18h à la Salle Polyvalente de Merlimont, non on ne vous demandera pas de faire les stands en courant 😉 , il s’agit seulement d’une brocante d’articles de sport !
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1 pensée sur “Brocante sportive 22/05”

  1. Many of you caught your first glimpse of Rachel Cammon here on hardbody. This striking Colorado beauty competed in her first figure show in April, where she won her class. She went on to place second in her class at the Colorado State Championships. Rachel followed that up with a win in the Figure F Class at the NPC USA Championships, which qualified her for IFBB Pro Status. Rachel Cammon in the Gym.

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